Questions and Answers
Questions and Answers
貸別荘の予約・支払いについて About reservation and payment for vacation rental
Q 未成年者だけで利用することは可能ですか?
Is it possible for underage (under 20 years old) to stay without any accompanying adult?
A 未成年の方だけでもご利用いただけます。ただし、未成年者(18歳未満)の方々のみでご利用いただく場合は親権者様の同意書のご提出をお願いいたします。
Yes it is possible only if the consent form from a person in parental authority can be presented. We kindly ask that anyone under 15 years old to be accompanied by a parent, guardian or equivalent.
貸別荘の宿泊利用について Accommodation Use of vacation rental
Q 駐車場はありますか?
Is there a parking lot?
A 1棟当たり2~5台分の駐車スペースをご用意しております。駐車場についてはメールのチェックインガイドにて案内いたします。
Each building has a parking lot for a maximum of 2~5 cars. Parking locations will be provided in the email check-in guide.
Q 電気自動車用充電設備はありますか?
Is there a charging facility for electric vehicles?
A ポーラーハウス軽井沢、ポーラーハウスあさまヴィラ、ポーラーハウス南軽井沢1、ポーラーハウスカナディアン南軽井沢1、ポーラーハウスカナディアン西軽井沢1に電気自動車用200V充電設備があります。
There are 200V electric vehicle charging facilities available at Polar House Karuizawa, Polar House Asama Villa, Polar House Minami-Karuizawa 1, Polar House Canadian Minami-Karuizawa 1, and Polar House Canadian Nishi-Karuizawa 1. Yes, Wi-Fi is available for all of our guests for free of charge. Passcode for Wi-Fi will be provided upon your check-in.
Q Wifiは利用できますか?
Is Wi-Fi available?
A ご宿泊のお客様は無料で無線LAN(Wifi)をご利用いただけます。Wifiのパスワードはチェックイン時にご案内いたします。
Yes, Wi-Fi is available for all of our guests for free of charge. Passcode for Wi-Fi will be provided upon your check-in.
Q 花火はできますか?
Is it possible to enjoy fireworks in the property?
A 敷地内での花火や焚火は厳禁でございます。また、バーベキューも指定の場所のみで行っていただきます。
Fireworks or bonfire are strictly prohibited for the safety reason. Also, BBQ needs to be enjoyed within the specified area of the property.
Q 近隣で花火ができる公園はありますか?
Are there any parks nearby where I can do fireworks?
A 花火が利用できる公園は、「雲場公園、狩野公園、北野沢原公園、西野沢原公園、長倉北公園」となります。
The parks where fireworks are allowed are "Kumba Park, Kano Park, Kitanozawahara Park, Nishinozawahara Park, and Nagakurakita Park." Only handheld fireworks are allowed; the use of aerial fireworks, rocket fireworks, and other types that produce loud noises and scatter debris in the surrounding area is prohibited. Please bring buckets or garbage bags and do not dispose of any trash in the park; each person is responsible for taking their own trash home.